Milton Guran

(photo by Leo Pinheiro)

Brazilian artist, scholar and arts administrator, Milton Guran, holds a Phd in Anthropology from the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France, 1996, and an MA in Social Communication from the University of Brasilia, 1991. He is an unceasingly prolific  photographer, anthropologist, film maker, professor, a founder and Chief Coordinator of Foto-Rio-Econtro Internacional de Fotografia do Rio de Janeiro, and the author of numerous books including "Agudas -os brasileiros do Benim",  and Linguagem fotografica e informacao. He is also a founder of AGIL Fotojornalismo, an agency for production of high quality imagery of the Amazon region. and has been the photographer of the Museu do Indio. He is the recipient of multiple awards, currently does anthropological research for LABHOI (Laboratory of Oral History and Images) of the Fluminense Federal University, teaches at the university level, and continues to be a prominent force in Brazilian photography.
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In the issue 21 of ANTILIPSEIS magazine he participates with photos

ANTILIPSEIS - magazine about photography

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