Giorgos Lavdas

(photo by Pavlos Satoglou)

I am tired to gabble about me...
I am sick of the cliches on "must" and "fake"...
I am nothing more than any of you...
I am an inhabitant of this planet where I want to equally share the sun... my life and my breath I want them clean... I want to remember and apply a few words that still matter... Love... Justice... Peace... The obvious have become strange... Giorgos Lavdas, a fugitive of the photographic art.

Giorgos Lavdas was the curator of the issue 22 of ANTILIPSEIS magazine.

and more...
and more...
and more...
and more...

In the issue 22 of ANTILIPSEIS magazine he participates with text

ANTILIPSEIS - magazine about photography

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