Laurent Elie Badessi

(photo by unknown)

Laurent Elie Badessi was born in France and belongs to a family with three generations of photographers. From an early age, this enabled him to explore and appreciate the art and techniques of photography.
Badessi holds an M.A. in photography from the University of Paris VIII.
He started his professional career in Paris and then abroad, before moving, in the early 90s, to the U.S.
In 2000, after spending ten years focusing on the body, "SKIN" (the book of this work), was internationally released by the prestigious Swiss publishing company Edition Stemmle.
Badessi’s images have appeared in numerous reputable art and photography magazines. They are part of many important private and public collections. He has also received several prestigious awards including a grant from the French Ministry of Culture for his show "Métamorphoses" held in 1996 at "L’espace VEGA" in Paris.
Solo exhibitions of his work have taken place in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Miami, Milan, Rome, Paris, Nice, Barcelona, Monaco and Dubai. Badessi lives and works in New York.
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In the issue 24 of ANTILIPSEIS magazine
his photograph from the show "Perceptions" is presented

ANTILIPSEIS - magazine about photography

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